Our training environment and conditions nurtures your growth and development with experienced and caring instructors.
All enrolments are subject to these conditions, which become legally binding on confirmation of acceptance by ASTA Aviation International Academy, and to the age limitations and arrangements specified in ASTA Aviation International Academy’s official publications.
The enrolled trainee intends and is able to follow and complete the course of study at ASTA Aviation International Academy and declares that he/she shall abide by all current Cameroon laws.

ASTA Aviation International Academy reserves the right to withhold confirmation of an enrolment, at its discretion, if such action is deemed necessary in the interests of the student or the school or if an incorrect declaration has been made.
The fees for courses and accommodation are valid from 1 January to 31 December each year. The fees for the following year are normally published on this website.
The fees must be received in instalments by ASTA Aviation International Academy no later than four weeks before course commencement, otherwise ASTA Aviation International Academy reserves the right to cancel, without notice, the course, accommodation and all other services.
No compensation, fee reductions, refunds, credit, additional lessons or extension of the course can be given for:
-services or facilities included in the fees and not used;
-late entry to or absence or early departure from a course without formal curtailment;
-lessons replaced by testing, class allocation procedures or the sightseeing tour on course entry dates;
-days when schools are closed because of official holidays;
-Cashless cards.
Any refunds which are approved can only be made by the office or Agent to whom the fees were originally paid. ASTA Aviation International Academy reserves the right to make fee adjustments as a result of changes to statutory taxes without prior notice.

If you require a visa, it is your responsibility to ensure that you apply for the correct type of visa to allow you to study ASTA Aviation International Academy for the entire period of your course(s). You must ensure that all details on your confirmation documents issued by ASTA Aviation International Academy are correct before you apply for your visa ASTA Aviation International Academy cannot be held liable for any errors that occur during the visa application process but you will assisted by one our admission trustees. It is also your responsibility to continue to maintain the correct immigration status to study at ASTA Aviation International Academy for the duration of your course(s). Failure to do so may lead to termination of your studies without refund or compensation.
School regulations
ASTA Aviation International Academy publishes regulations to ensure that the courses operate smoothly. Acceptance of and compliance with these regulations, and with English law, are contractual obligations on the part of the trainee or the parent, guardian or other person arranging the student’s enrolment with ASTA Aviation International Academy where the student is under 18. The school regulations are available online:

Cancellation or change of time of a test
Notice of cancellation or change of time of a test must be received in writing by the school at least 5 working days prior to the scheduled test date. If such notice is not received within the stated period then the full charge remains due.
14 day cooling off period
The student may cancel an enrolment submitted online within 14 days from the date of submission. We will fully refund the payment of course fees less any bank charges provided that written notice of cancellation is received by Anglo-Continental within 14 days of making the enrolment.
Cancellation, postponement or withdrawal from a course
A course is not transferable but may be cancelled and your payment of course fees will be refunded (except bank charges and non-refundable deposit), provided that written notice of cancellation, postponement or withdrawal is received by ASTA Aviation International Academy not less than four weeks before the scheduled date of course commencement. In the absence of such notice, or if less than four weeks’ notice is received no refund of fees can be made.
No refunds can be given in the event of withdrawal from the course after its commencement, or for late arrival, early departure, or failure to make use of any of the facilities or activities of the course. In the absence of such notice, or if less than four weeks’ notice is received:
-in the case of cancellation, a fee of 600 USD is payable in lieu of notice;
-in the case of postponement, ASTA Aviation International Academy reserves the right to levy a charge to cover administration and accommodation costs incurred on the student’s behalf;
-should the application for a visa be refused, we will refund any published fees paid in advance (after deduction of an administration charge of 350 USD) provided that you send us a copy of the letter of refusal before the intended start date of the course.
Any additional charges for services provided by a third party (such as Home Office CAS charges, hotel accommodation, flat rental and courier services) are not refundable.
Curtailment of a course(Excluding courses with reduced fees)
If a course of more than eight weeks’ duration is curtailed by the student, four weeks’ notice must be given to the school. If no notice or insufficient notice is given, course fees must be paid in lieu of notice together with any accommodation charges due. In all cases, course fees must be paid for a minimum of eight weeks.
If a course of eight weeks’ duration or less is curtailed, no refund of course fees can be given. Students must have personal insurance against inability to attend or continue a course for medical or compassionate reasons (see ‘liability and insurance’).
Change of course
(Excluding courses with reduced fees)
If, after commencement of a course, the student wishes to change to a course of a lower
Specification, two weeks’ notice must be given to the school. If approved, the change must be made on a scheduled entry date for the new course.
Any refund due will be in the form of a credit towards any required extension of the amended course or towards any subsequent course with Anglo-Continental during the twelve months following the end of the amended course. The credit is not transferable to any other person and no cash refund can be given.

Incorrect declaration
ASTA Aviation International Academy reserves the right to withdraw a student from the course if an incorrect declaration has been made or if information regarding a student’s ability to participate in the course has not fully, or partially, been disclosed to us before course commencement. In this case, no refund can be made.
English language level
Any information about your level received prior to your arrival will act as a guide only. Your English and French languages level will be determined by our entry test on your first day. If you are not at the required level for your course, you will be transferred to a suitable alternative course while taking English or French language course depending on the language you will use to study your enrolled course.
The fee for the first week in homestay accommodation includes a non-refundable administration charge to cover the cost of selection, reservation and administration.
Any request to change or leave accommodation, either separately or in conjunction with the curtailment of a course, must be made to ASTA Aviation International Academy at least two weeks before the date of the proposed move and approved before the change is made. Failing this, accommodation fees are payable in lieu of notice. An administrative charge of 40 USD will be made for each request to change homestay family accommodation. Accommodation fees continue to be payable for any periods of absence during the course.
Photography, film, sound recordings and written work
During our courses we sometimes take photographs, film footage and sound recordings, some of which may be incorporated into items such as, but not limited to, future publicity material, social media sites, tests and educational materials. We may also wish to use examples of your written work. If you do not wish to participate in any of these items, please advise ASTA Aviation International Academy
Liability and insurance

ASTA Aviation International Academy will not be liable for any loss, damage, illness or injury to persons or property, however caused, except where such liability is imposed by statute ASTA Aviation International Academy will also not be held responsible for any delay in scheduled services of third party companies or if any service cannot be provided as specified. Any complaints, liabilities, losses or damages arising should be submitted to the third party company concerned. It is the student’s responsibility to take out personal insurance against all such risks, including inability to attend or continue a course and for the payment of medical expenses.
Anglo-Continental is partnered with End sleigh to offer a bespoke insurance policy that is specifically designed for you while partaking on our courses. The insurance prices are published on page 34. Please note, Anglo-Continental reserves the right to revise these prices if End sleigh increase their premiums.

Transfer fuel surcharge
If a transportation company levies a surcharge because of an increase in the price of fuel, the additional cost will be charged to you. Please check the website for the latest charges:
Force majeure
It shall be a fundamental condition of the contract between the student and ASTA Aviation International Academy l or its Agents that ASTA Aviation International Academy nor its Agents shall be in any way liable to the student in the event of any service contracted to be supplied by them becoming impossible to supply by reason of industrial dispute or other cause outside their control.
Data protection
To ensure that your course at ASTA Aviation International Academy meets your requirements we and, if appropriate, the ASTA Aviation International Academy Agent in your own country will need to use the information you provide (such as your personal data and details of any special requirements) in order to process your enrolment.
We must pass your information on to those involved in providing you with services relating to your stay at ASTA Aviation International Academy such as, but not limited to, your reservation of accommodation and transfer services. The information may also be provided, if required, to security or credit-checking organizations, customs and the Home Office as required by Cameroon law.
Please note that where your information is held by an ASTA Aviation International Academy, it will be subject to your Agent’s own data protection policy and their country’s national law.
Declaration form for students 16 and 17 years of age enrolled on Adult Courses
If your son/daughter will be less than 16 or 17 years of age at the time of the course, ASTA Aviation International Academy must receive a completed declaration form before course commencement. This form provides essential emergency contact information. In the absence of this form, if an emergency situation arises, ASTA Aviation International Academy will make the best judgment on any action which needs to be taken based on professional advice available at the time of the emergency.
Validity of conditions
These Conditions of enrolment are valid from 1 January 2024 and are subject to English law. The English language version is legally binding in all cases.
ASTA Aviation International Academy reserves the right to waive or adjust the specifications of a course, which may include age limits.
Training Cancellation
Notice of cancellation or change of a transfer must be received in writing by the school before 15.00 on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled day of arrival or departure. If such notice is not received within the period stipulated, we incur obligations to the transport companies and therefore the full charge must be paid
ASTA Aviation International Academy has its Alliance Campuses located in New York, Washington DC, Florida, Oregon, California, Turkey, France, Spain, Greece, Italy and Canada.

Upon completion of any of our training programmes, you may want to experience America or European education culture, ASTA Aviation will do the job for you by transferring you to the campus location of your choice!
In addition to students transfer for training continuity, ASTA Aviation provides it students the opportunity to attend: conferences organized by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), AVIATION-EXPOS, PILOT-EXPOS, AVIATION CONNECTS, conferences organized by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) both in the USA And Europe. ASTA Aviation doesn’t charge student transfer fees.
When you’re ready to apply, be sure to relocate to the alliance campus for purpose. To help make this transition even easier, you’ll get a 25% discount on tuition today.

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